Tash Cleeve is an old school headhunter who takes care of her candidate’s careers by matching them with the right company, in the right role in the right team to do the right job at the right time, where they can succeed and stay. This means investing time in her relationships with candidates, hiring managers, Boards, investors, potential reports. She’s not afraid to get down into the weeds, because she knows that no one wants to make a hire.
People want to hire someone who is a good fit with the team, succeeds, improves over time as they grow into the role, and stays. When they leave they want to leave a strong and positive legacy having done the job for which they were hired and successors who will surpass their achievements. And they will delight in their being eclipsed.
We discuss how to make that possible. Great chat with someone who is totally sincere and committed to excellence. No wonder Tash and the ineffable @Martin Ellis are like peas in a pod.