TheInquisitor – Which Powerful Habits and Beliefs Earn and Grow Trust
TheInquisitor – Which Powerful Habits and Beliefs Earn and Grow Trust

Dr Darryl Stickel is a specialist in building trust in high conflict environments. Darryl talks to me about how perceived risk is created by multiplying uncertainty by vulnerability. Vulnerability is putting yourself in harms way, knowing you might be hurt. The problem is when someone is uncertain enough and their risk threshold is breached, they stop thinking rationally, and they go into self-preservation mode.

If you go back and listen to my interview with Matt Dixon on the JOLT effect, my interviews with Moeed Amin, Mark Herbert, Mark Goulston, TRUST is at the heart of all of them. Some things that separates great salespeople and leaders from average and weak performers are their empathy and compassion.

Darryl’s online course is excellent BTW. Just going through it now and I have learned SO much.

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